Saturday, 15 October 2011

Adjusting to life in Sudan

Greetings all,

First of all I would like to apologize for the delay between my last post and this one, the internet was down for over a week and this is the first chance I have had to get down to writing everything that has happened since the last post.
A good place to start would probably be to tell you how the teaching in the secondary school has been going. I should first of all mention that I got the age range of my students wrong in a previous post. It was sometime last week I was talking with another teacher about the older students and she revealed that my oldest student was in fact 58; I suppose his walking stick propped against the wall should have been a clue.  She also revealed to me that out of the 40 or so students in the second and third classes only a handful weren’t married and quite a few had children. The next lesson I taught after learning all this was a little more intimidating than when I had taken my first class. The one thing that is noticeable however is how keen some of the older students are to learn even if an education may not benefit them too much at their current ages. It makes me realize how much we in the west take our educations for granted, these guys didn’t have the opportunity to learn at a young age but had to endure the wars that have burdened Sudan for the past 50 years. The lands to the sides of the roads from Torit (the closest town) to Lohutok still have numerous mines on them which people keep clear of and guns are a common sight, when I walk to school in the morning I will greet local farmers and shepherds walking out to work with AK-47’s slung over their shoulders which they carry in case of cattle-raiders or for hunting. The fact that the older students received very little education in their youth makes teaching the second and third class slow and difficult at times, not to mention their first language isn’t English so certain words such as simultaneous (as in simultaneous equations) have to be explained which proves tricky. However, they are all eager and very bubbly so even though the lessons prove testing I enjoy them. In comparison, the first class are the polar opposite, they are nearly all beneath 18 and quick to learn, but are not so keen and are silent for the majority of the lesson. A few of them model themselves on western rappers and will come in a lot like our teenagers with their trousers falling off their bums and big studs in their ears. Their attitudes make teaching the first class quite difficult at times. However, they all play football on the field in the evening and when I play with them we get along really well so I pray that I could enthuse them to learn and get to know them better. Any prayers for the second and third classes and patience in teaching them would be appreciated as well as prayers that the first class teaching will improve.
Every day before lunch at the school there is a devotional period where we have some singing and a talk from one of the teachers. Since 4 of the 6 teachers are seasoned missionaries the talks are all pretty good. The singing involves a lot of clapping, but the Sudanese peoples voices aren’t quite as good as those of other African nations, but their enthusiasm is normally just as good. The principal of the school deemed that I should have the Wednesday devotional to give talks. Last Wednesday was my first; I chose to speak on pride because although I am by no means the perfect person to be speaking on the topic I thought that the talk might be beneficial to some of the first years.  At the end of the talk a fellow teacher called Ellen Fox said she thought the talk was very good, however, she is the only other person whose first language is English in the school, so whether the students of the School fully understood my talk I am uncertain. I am however grateful for the opportunity to speak to these guys about Gods word.
Since last speaking to you, I have attended the local church twice; both times roughly 25 people have attended, about 4 of those being students from the school. Pastor Tito who had accompanied me to Lohutok from Torit delivered the first week’s sermon. He is about 6ft 3, well built and his enthusiasm for the gospel is a real encouragement. His talk was good, however, last Sunday a visiting Pastor from Juba (the capital of South Sudan) gave a talk on tithes. Throughout the whole sermon I was pulling my hair out as the pastor was preaching prosperity gospel claiming that when we give tithes to God he will multiply our earthly wealth over and over. Later that afternoon I went to the Anglican Inland Church compound to speak to the pastors about the issue. The only pastor present was Tito and after telling him my concerns he informed me that he and the permanent pastor here in Lohutok after the sermon had talked to the visiting pastor about the sermon telling him it was prosperity gospel. Tito informed me that prosperity gospel is currently a big problem in Africa and that he rebukes it whenever he sees it, however sound doctrinal preaching will not be present everywhere due to education levels and the fact pastor training isn’t as thorough as it is in the west, I suppose only time will change that.
Last weekend the governor for the Eastern Equatoria of South Sudan came to visit Lohutok. The whole village turned out to greet him at the meeting place on the road up to Lohutok under a big tree. There was a lot of singing and dancing and some of the guys were dressed up. I didn’t stay for a lot of it as the main duty of the day was talking about what the village needed from the new government and the people here seem to have a way of saying what should be said in a minute in an hour. The senior school requested funding so they could pay teachers and set themselves up more securely instead of depending upon missionaries, however there plea seems unlikely to receive anything substantial. It was interesting to see the seeds of a new government being sown, however, how much this new government will be able to do I am dubious about and pray that no corruption will spring up.  
I have seen a fair bit of wildlife out here in Lohutok already, things like; geckos, lizards, scorpions, bats, snakes, ant mounds and cows (these two are on the football pitch), termites in the house (they make pretty patterned tunnels up the wall out of mud), there are also a lot of interesting insects and butterflies out here, apparently no zoologist (I think that’s the right term) has ever been to look at the wildlife in this region, so it is likely that there are uncategorized insects and small creatures here. I have been told that baboons and monkeys are very common higher up in the mountains, so some time I will have to venture there to have a look.
The two guys I’m living with are proving to be good fun and enjoyable company. Adam took me for a motorbike lesson on the airstrip here last week and I’m hoping to go again soon, but the pair of them are normally quite busy working here on the compound. Elijah and I cut our hair this week, Elijah made a mess of mine so I insisted with the help of Adam on making patterns in the side of his, which he is now rather fond of.  The food is beginning to become slightly monotonous here at the house, but compared to the school meals of just beans or boiled leaves it is gourmet.
I would really appreciate any prayers regarding teaching, but also that I may become more integrated with the villagers as so far I haven’t ventured too far into the village or made too many non-school connections.

Yours in Christ,


The School

The road up to the School

The Governors visit

Elijah's  Hair

driving on the airstrip

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